Poposki, Zoran. "Shaun Tan's Foreign Land, New Home."Vermilion International Journal of Literature and Art 4 (1), 42-45, 2020.
Poposki, Zoran. "Hong Kong Atlas", Cha: An Asian Literary Journal, Issue 38, December 2017.
Front cover, 聲韻詩刊 Voice & Verse Poetry Magazine, Issue 39-40, December 2017.
Front cover, 聲韻詩刊 Voice & Verse Poetry Magazine, Issue 37, August 2017.
"Meta-textual Influence: Zoran Poposki", Aesthetica Magazine, London, July 2017.
Cankulovska, Maja. “Theoria” by Zoran Poposki, National Gallery of Macedonia, Skopje, June 2017.
Stevens, Tom. “Outside the Box: your art on the theme of Radical”, The Guardian, London, 14/4/2017.
教育座談啟思:五年了過去了,現在的我們需要怎樣的藝術文化碩士課程, ArtMap, Hong Kong, 3/2/2017.
彼岸觀自在III-最後的邊境, Art-news.net, 8/10/2016.
Poposki Zoran, Todorova Marija. “Public Memory and Civic Art.” In Cities of Memory: Post-Conflict Performance, Art and Visual Culture, edited by Marc Phelan and Des O’Rawe, London: Palgrave-Macmillan, 2016.
Frangovska, Ana, Scorretti, Claudio (eds.). Transfiguring - Imago Mundi. Luciano Bennetton Collection. Treviso: Fabrica, 2016.
Stevens, Tom. “Ban Facebook now! Your art about human consciousness – in pictures”, The Guardian, London, 1/12/2015.
Stevens, Tom. “In the flesh: your body artworks, chosen by a Tate curator - in pictures”, The Guardian, London, 3/11/2015.
漫遊百科 [2015], 香港 : 香港電台, 2015.
Translation(s), Artribune, 30/5/2014.
Deborah Cullen, Petja Grafenauer, Gerhard Richter, et al. Interruption: 30th Ljubljana Biennial of Graphic Arts. London: Black Dog Publishing, 2013, p. 174-177. ISBN: 9781908966308.
Ljubljana Biennial of Graphic Arts: 30th edition, Flash Art Online, 24/6/2013.
Interruption: The 30th Biennial of Graphic Arts Ljubljana, E-Flux, 2013.
The 30th Edition of the Ljubljana Biennial of Graphic Arts Considers the Evolutionary Graphic Field of Contemporary Times, Biennial Foundation, 24/6/2013.
Poposki, Zoran. "Artist's Project: Hong Kong Atlas", Interventions: The online journal of Columbia University's graduate program in modern art, Vol. 2/2, Spring/Summer 2013.
Куюмджиева, Светлана. “Мечти за Пловдив”, Култура - Брой 41 (2703), 30/11/2012.
Nagy, Szilvia. “Urban Dreams/Notes on Otherness”, 22 Oct 2012.
牛房講座解構城市藝術, Macao Daily, 15 Jul 2012.
Zoran Poposki: Making Public, Asia Art Archive, July 2012.
Vilic, Nebojsa, Bojan Ivanov, Zoran Poposki, Mira Gacina and Zaneta Vangeli. "Razgovori so Bojan Ivanov, Zoran Poposki, Mira Gakina i Zaneta Vangeli," in Vilic, Nebojsa. Kriticka umetnost. Skopje: 359, 2012, p.37-101. ISBN: 9989-912-16-5.
"Transart Collective", Galleries West, Summer 2012.
Zwei international ausstellende Künstler an der HFF "Konrad Wolf", BAF Berlin, 9 Apr 2012.
Žene nestale u muškim mišićima, Liceulice, 9 Mar 2012.
Vilic, Nebojsa, Bojan Ivanov, Zoran Poposki, Mira Gacina and Zaneta Vangeli. “Bojan Ivanov, Zoran Poposki, Mira Gacina and Zaneta Vangeli”, in From Consideration to Commitment: art in critical confrontation to society: Belgrade, Ljubljana, Skopje, Zagreb 1990-2010, edited by Jasna Jaksic et al., 566-608, Beograd: Seecult.org, Skopje: Forum Skopje, Ljubljana: Center for Contemporary Arts SCCA, Zagreb: Kurziv - Platform for Matters of Culture, Media and Society, 2011. ISBN: 978-86-914525-0-6.
Poposki, Zoran. “Spaces of Democracy: Art, Politics, and Artivism in the Post-Socialist City”, in Studia Politica: Art and Politics in (Post)communism, Vol. XI., no. 4, edited by Caterina Preda, 713-723. Bucharest: Department of Political Science, Institute for Political Research, University of Bucharest, 2011. ISSN: 1582-4551 / EAN 9771582120004.
Working Conversation: Zoran Poposki and Victoria Hindley, Thyssen-Bornemisza Art Contemporary, June 2011.
Poposki, Zoran. “Portrait of the Artist as a Cultural Worker”, Submit Magazine, IV, Spring 2011, 12-13.
Poposki, Zoran. “The Right to the City: Reclaiming the Urban Landscape by Art and Activism”, in Nyhedsvisen: Public Interfaces, Vol. I., no. 1, edited by Christian Ulrik Andersen, Geoff Cox and Jacob Lund, 6-7. Aarhus: Digital Aesthetics Research Center and Center for Digital Urban Living, Aarhus University, March 2011. ISBN: 87-91810-18-3 / EAN 9788791810183.
Poposki, Zoran. “Encounters on the Border”, in Book of Proceedings from the 5th International Interdisciplinary Symposium Encounters of Cultures, Vol. I., edited by Ljiljana Subotic and Ivana Zivancevic-Sekerus, 437-442.. Novi Sad: Faculty of Philosophy, University of Novi Sad, 2010. ISBN 978-86-6065-040-7.
ZWISCHENRAUM für Kunst & Migration, Heinrich Boll Stiftung, 2010.
"Editorial Kultur-Mensch Die Zukunft unserer Staaten" Kulturrat, Jul 2010.
Poposki, Zoran and Dimitrovska Vasilka. “Javniot proctor kako kulturno nasledstvo”, Kulturen zivot, 1-2/2010, 38-39.
Poposki, Zoran. “Povtorno osvojuvanje na simbolickiot javen proctor: gerilskata semiotika na kulturnoto poprecuvanje”, Kulturen zivot, 3-4/2009, 58-59.
Poposki, Zoran. Простори на моќта. Skopje: Templum, 2009. ISBN 9789989189616.
Haagsma, Georgia. “Saatchi Online Magazine Critic’s Choice: Top 10 New Media Artists”, August 2009.
“Best of 123Soho 2007 Art Show”, New York, 1 May 2007.
Tricarico, Tiziana. “L’esposizione: D’Alterio e Poposki sulla linea del confine”, Il Mattino, 17 Apr 2007, 35.
“The Border: Michele D’Alterio and Zoran Poposki”, Absolutearts, 16 Apr 2007.
“Michele D’Alterio – Zoran Poposki – The Border”, Teknemedia, 14 Apr 2007.
“May 2006 Digital Color Artist of the Month”, Digital Consciousness News 80, May 2006.